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Best Car Mounts for iPhone 12, 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max and iPhone 12 Mini

Best Car Mounts for iPhone 12 Pro Max, 12 Pro, 12, & 12 Mini

The newly launched iPhone 12 series is mind-boggling and has captured everyone’s eye. If you have already gotten one for…

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How to Restart Windows Explorer on Windows 11

When you copy a large file to your computer or work with high-end graphic software, your file explorer will crash and show not responding error. Whenever your open any file or access your drive, file…

Enable Delete File Confirmation Dialog in Windows 11

How to Enable Delete File Confirmation Dialog in Windows 11

You can avoid mistakenly deleting files using the delete confirmation dialogue in Windows 11. Microsoft included this new feature to help users. When you delete any file in Windows OS, it will move to Recycle…

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How to Enable Windows 11 UI Styles in Chrome and Edge

As we all know that Windows 11 comes with new UI styles and colors but when you install and use browsers like Chrome and Edge then those colors won’t apply to them. Windows 11 comes…

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20 Best File Managers for Linux Systems

File Manager is one of the most essential parts of any operating system but when you are dealing with an operating system that has the motto of “Everything is a file” (Linux), you need to…

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