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Download Google Drive for Android Free!

With recent announcement in cloud storage service segment, Google has joined the rivals Apple, Microsoft and Dropbox. For those who are not accustomed with Google drive appellation and features can read our detailed guide on Google drive service. Those who…

Ultimate Collection of HD Games for Android

In the modern era, gadgets are the new entertainment box. The arrival of iOS platform and then Android platform made developers keen in developing more sophisticated game for end-users. This post will touch the pinnacle of awesomeness by enlisting some…

How To Hard Reset Samsung Galaxy S3

The million dollar question is why one would want to hard reset Samsung Galaxy S3—the fastest device on the earth to date? Undoubtedly, Samsung’s new offering aka Samsung Galaxy S3 is one of the most powerful devices out there, but…

Where to Buy Samsung Galaxy SIII for Cheap? [India]

The dreadful prediction about unaffordable price tag of flagship product of Samsung was substantiated when they announced the availability of Samsung Galaxy SIII in India today. Previously, the press release depicted unusual number 43,180 as the price tag but later…

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How to Root Samsung Galaxy SIII GT I9300

The new beast by smartphone mammoth Samsung, Samsung Galaxy SIII, has just been rooted before masses gets it into their hand. Rooting opens up a door to tons of possibilities and tweaks. Similar to previous Galaxy flagship products like Galaxy…

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