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top gaming tablets

Top Gaming Tablets of 2023 Reviewed – Our Top Picks!

In recent years, tablets have seen important updates that have made them able to handle even more tasks. With people moving away from smartphones and PC to tablets, it is believed that the tablet market…

Streaming Services

The Battle of Video Streaming Services: A Look into the Market’s Current Landscape

It’s hard not to notice how smart TVs and mobile devices make more people cutting the cord and choosing streaming services to meet their entertainment needs. And as a result, the video streaming services market…

Gaming on mac mini m2

Is The Mac Mini M2 Good for Gaming?

As a gamer with (fading) love for apple products, I often ask myself whether I should upgrade my older Mac to play some game anywhere. The internet more or less agrees that apple machines are…

how to install microsoft teams on ubuntu

How to Install Microsoft Teams on Ubuntu 20.04

Microsoft Teams is proprietary software of Microsoft and is a part of the Microsoft 365 category. It has replaced Microsoft’s previous solutions for business meetings such as Skype for business and Microsoft Classroom. In the…

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