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What Shows Your App is a Success? 

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Apps are much like any other product. They go through stages of planning, design, and development before being launched and made available to the general public through dealers and merchants, in this case, digital app stores. However, where apps differ is in the way in which success is measured. There are various different metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be studied to figure out how successful or not an app has been. Let’s take a look at a few of these metrics and discuss how they can be used to measure success.

Number of Downloads

One of the first and most important KPIs that developers will look to when attempting to measure success is the number of downloads. After all, if nobody is downloading your app, that means nobody is using it, and there will be no way for you to make a return on your investment, be that through download costs, in-app purchases, or ad revenue. While services like apptimizer.net can be used to generate early downloads and secure a positive spot in the charts, download numbers must be constantly monitored as you move forward to ensure they are not dipping or faltering.

Active Users

While getting people to download your app is one thing, ensuring they are actually using it is another. We’re all guilty of downloading a new app, using it once or maybe not at all, and then uninstalling it later. This is a real problem for developers. Your download stats might look fantastic, but if nobody is actually using your app after it has been installed, your bottom line can be negatively affected.

There are two ways of looking at active users, daily active users and monthly active users. It’s important to analyze both of these metrics. This can give you a clear picture
of how many people are using your app, and allow you to make changes to function, performance, or design that could help boost your numbers.

Churn Rate

Churn rate is the term given to the rate at which consumers stop engaging with a product or a business. For apps, churn rate can refer to the rate at which customers
stop using an app or how quickly they uninstall it after downloading. Research has revealed that apps are uninstalled within six days of being downloaded, on average.  What’s more, over 30% of users will delete an app within a month of downloading it. Some of the top reasons for installation are apps not being used enough, excessive advertising, and memory issues.

Analyzing your app’s churn rate can be a sobering revelation that may seem at odds with download numbers. If users are leaving or deleting your app in droves, this could
indicate a number of issues, and it’s essential you get to the bottom of the problem if you want to turn things around.


When measuring the success of your app, download numbers, active users, and the churn rate are three of the most important KPIs that can be used to evaluate how well
your app is doing in the market.

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The Genius Geek
The Genius Geek

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