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flux Google reader client Windows 8

Flux: Google Reader Client for Windows 8

Google reader client for Windows 8 has arrived in style. Descending from Windows Phone platform, the developers of Flux have yet again managed to appease Windows OS community users. They say, any platforms, be it…

ComiXology Free Comic Book Reader

Read Comic Books on Windows 8 with ComiXology Free Comic Book Reader

Comixolgy, a comic book reader downloader for Windows 8, has made reading comic books on Windows 8 OS a fun. We continue to strive to serve our readers with better applications for their daily usage.…

Start8 Get Windows 7 Menu Back on Windows 8

Start8: Bring Back Windows 7 Start Menu to Windows 8

While Microsoft and other developers admired Windows 8 UI a lot, many end-users found themselves in an unapprehend situation. The start menu or rather absence of it has been a talk of the town. Honestly,…

Best Samsung Bada Apps

Best Samsung Bada Apps: Free Downloadable Apps

So far on GeniusGeeks.com, we have covered various android and iOS apps. But that doesn’t mean that we care less for other OS users. As a proof, we are now covering some of the best…

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