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AirPods Microphone Sound Muffled

AirPods Microphone Sound Muffled? We’ve Found a Fix!

It is often found that when you connect your AirPods to your Mac or iPhone, they sound muffled and distorted.…

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Windows 11 Wi-Fi Not Working

10 Ways to Fix Windows 11 Wi-Fi Not Working

The Internet has become an inevitable part of human life. A day without Wi-Fi or the internet feels like a handicap. In the newly launched Windows 11, we have received a plethora of exciting features.…

How to Remove Microsoft Account

How to Remove Microsoft Account from Windows 11

Since we installed Windows 11, we have insisted on continuously installing the Microsoft account, and also for that reason Microsoft is known as the inevitable part of Windows. And there is no doubt in mentioning…

Update Apps Windows 11

How to Update Apps in Windows 11

Now users are allowed to enjoy various Android apps in Windows 11 using the Microsoft store. However, many users are struggling with updating these Apps in Windows 11. So, to mitigate your dilemmas we have here…

How to Compress PDF in Ubuntu

How to Compress PDF in Ubuntu

If you are using Ubuntu, chances, if you are using Libre Office or Open Office, are pretty much high. You can easily make PDF files from them but you don’t get any tool in Ubuntu…

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