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Best IFTTT Recipes: Productivity Meets Automation

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IFTTT  is a web automation application that connects several services through the simple yet powerful web application. In a layman’s term, IFTTT (If this then that) is a set of commands/triggers given to automate different given channels. For an example, you can tweet automatically when you publish an article on your blog. In this case, you’d be required to fetch trigger from the RSS feed, if RSS updated then update that (your twitter account), and update related account. Sounds too much geeky? Well, don’t worry if you are bewildered with the above example. There are already ready-made recipes available which you can implement without any prior technical knowledge.

ifttt recipes meaning

What is IFTTT Recipe?

IFTTT recipes are simple to implement ready-made formulas. There is an already a section of the most popular recipes on IFTTT. As of writing this article,there are 62 different channels available which you can automate with a smart combination of commands. The recipes are a combination of trigger and action created from the smart combination of already provided 62 channels.

Super active community of IFTTT (pronounced “gift” without G) also shares some interesting recipes created by members.

“Still Overwhelming?”

I know it still sounds like a lot of work. Don’t be overwhelmed by the above definition. Here is the collection of ready-made recipes which you can implement right away.

Most Popular IFTTT Recipes

Are you ready to get surprised?  Some of the best IFTTT recipes mentioned below will blow your mind away. Implement them and take your productivity to a new height.

Note: Make sure you read the recipes carefully to see how they work. Some of them need some special command to work. We recommend you to bookmark this article so you don’t miss your recipe formula.

Tweet via Gtalk

gtalk to twitter

As the name suggests, you can directly send tweets from your Gtalk account to twitter account. The recipe takes advantage of your Google account and hashtag to send tweets to your twitter account on autopilot. In case, if you are a fan of applications, then we have already provided a big collection of Twitter apps for Windows 8 and Mac users.

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Download File from Gmail to Dropbox

download gmail to dropbox

Yet another awesome recipe that can download attachment from Gmail to your Dropbox account. Interesting, isn’t it? You’d be required to post signature less email to yourself to achieve the same. It saves lots of bandwidth and time. Productivity at its best.

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Sync Dropbox to Skydrive

dropbox to skydrive

Would you like to keep your Skydrive account in sync with Dropbox? If yes, then this recipe will let you keep your Skydrive account in sync with Dropbox. Skydrive already provides 25 GB of storage to old users so this might come in handy for those who have less space on Dropbox. In case, if you are looking to sync files between multiple cloud service, then we have covered a detailed tutorial over here.

Note: It is applicable for public folders only.

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Gmail to Philips Hue

gmail to philips hue light

If you’re a techno freak and own Philips hue connected bulb, then this is the recipe you must try. Basically, it blinks the lights (Philips hue) upon the arrival of new email in your Gmail account. A most innovative way to get notification. There are plenty of other recipes available like this.

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Download Soundcloud tracks to Google drive

soundcloud download to google drive

Perhaps, this is one of the best recipes available for the lovers of soundcloud. This is where the true potential of IFTTT is realized. This intuitive recipe will let you download public favorite soundcloud tracks to your Google drive account automagically. There are few more recipes available which can save files to box account.

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Weather forecast on Gmail

weather to gmail

Would you like to get notified of bad weather on Gmail? How about the prediction of probable raining? This smart recipes will let you send an automated email if tomorrow it’s going to rain.

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Starred emails (Gmail) to Evernote

gmail backup to evernote

How about taking a backup of starred email to Evernote? You probably know our affection towards the note-taking apps that offers more than a simple note taking feature. Such recipe will let you take a back up of important emails automatically. Even, we have covered an app to back up Gmail emails long back.

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Pocket to Buffer

pocket to buffer sync

Do you like distraction free reading? Perhaps, you know what Pocket is. How about automatically send all your new favorite item to Buffer which you can further send to your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn account? Use this super smart IFTTT recipe to achieve the same. Remember, you would also need to connect Buffer account to other social profiles to achieve auto messaging using this.

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These are some of the most productive IFTTT recipe that will help you save your time. Be productive and stay updated with the latest technology to get cutting edge over the competitors. Even,we use many of them recipes to automate the task. It saves a tons of time. Initially, it will be difficult to remember each and every one of them but you will get hang of it once you start using them regularly.

Did we miss your favorite IFTTT recipe? Sound off in the comment section below.

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Ricky Shah
Ricky Shah

Ricky started GeniusGeeks in 2009 and there's no turning back since then! His flair of writing Windows OS related technical articles has been his hallmark! When not writing, he's often found exploring productivity and project management tools!

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