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How to Fix ‘shell user theme extension not enabled’ Error on Ubuntu

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We often hear that you can customize your Ubuntu desktop as per your preference but when you face an issue where you can’t change your Shell theme makes things painful.

If you’re facing “shell user theme extension not enabled” issue on Ubuntu, you can quickly solve it by installing Gnome tweak extension in your browser.

With shown steps, you can easily overcome that issue and tweak your Ubuntu desktop as per your taste.

Installing Shell Extensions

Open your terminal by using Ctrl + Alt + t and follow these given commands:

 sudo apt update 

This will update all the indexes in already installed repositories which enables you to download the latest and greatest software.

user shell theme

Gnome-tweaks has already been installed on your Ubuntu system, now use the following command to install gnome extensions:

 sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions 

sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions

You have installed all the necessary tools required to use shell themes. Now let’s download and enable user themes.

Enabling User Themes with Extensions

Step 1: Open your browser and go to Gnome extensions. Click on “Click here to install browser extension”

click on extension install

If you are using any chromium-based browser such as brave or google chrome, you will be prompted to the web store for downloading the extension.

Step 2: Now, click on Add to Chrome to download the extensions.

Click on Add to chrome

Step 3: Click on Add Extension

Final add extension

Step 4: Now go to  Gnome extensions and search for user themes. Click on the appropriate results as shown in the image.

searching user themes and click

Step 5: Click on the button to install

Turning on the extension

Step 6: Now, open extensions from the menu and enable user themes.

Enabling user themes

Now you won’t see the error anymore as shown in the below image.

Final result

Frequently Asked Questions on Shell User Themes

Here are some frequently asked questions that are asked by Ubuntu users about shell themes and extensions! Let’s have a look at them in detail.

How to enable shell themes in Ubuntu?

Open your Gnome-tweaks tool and you will find extensions on the right bar. Click on extensions and enable user theme extensions. Now reopen gnome-tweaks and click on Appearance and you will get all the shell themes installed on the Shell option.

How do I enable GNOME shell extensions?

All the extensions which you have downloaded will be listed on the extensions tool. Open extensions from the menu and you will get to see all the system default and user-added themes. You can enable, disable and also remove them from your system.

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Sagar Sharma
Sagar Sharma

Sagar always uses Linux to its core and loves to write the technical side of system administration! While he's not writing for GeniusGeeks, you can find him writing for core linux blogs like IT'SFOSS.com and LinuxHandBook.com

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