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While Linux mint looks good by default, its Cinnamon desktop has some amazing themes available that make the desktop look downright stunning. Changing themes enable you to spice things up and enjoy a refreshed Linux Mint experience.
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In today’s blog, we will be seeing the 15 best Linux mint Themes which will make your desktop look absolutely spectacular. These themes can also be applied to other distributions running the cinnamon desktop environment too.
Vimix is one of the most impressive-looking themes for your Linux Mint desktop. The flat and material style design which is a hot design trend nowadays completely synchronizes with that.
It comes in multiple variants of dark and light with multiple accents of colors so that you can truly customize what suits you the best!
To Download vimix, follow the given commands:
git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/vimix-gtk-themes
cd vimix-gtk-themes/
sudo ./install.sh
Arc is one of the most popular names when we consider customizing any Linux desktop or window manager and the same applies to our Linux mint desktop too. Rather than going for high saturating colors, developers decided to go with subtle colors.
Arc Theme adds a mature and classy touch to your desktop by providing subtle color schemes.
Credits: Noobs Lab
To download the Arc theme, follow the given commands:
sudo apt install arc-theme
Fan of Google’s material design? Paper is just for you. Developed by sam Hewitt, the man behind the Moka project which is considered to be the best Theme developer for the Linux environment.
Paper is built to give you polished and premium looks.
Credits: Noobs Lab
To download Paper, follow the given commands:
sudo add-apt-repository -u ppa:snwh/ppa
sudo apt install paper-icon-theme
Serena Gets you the perfect balance between saturated colors and being sable at once. The perfect combination of the dark theme and punchy green makes the desktop aesthetic and pleasant looking.
As per our preference, you should go with the dark variant because it blends perfectly with icons and gets you the best user experience.
Credits: Linux Tex
Sarena can be downloaded directly from add/remove tab in the themes application.
If you are tired of all the material themes, Arrogin will pleasant you by having different touch to it. It is based on material elements but has a different flavor than most of the other Material Themes. It is also flat to get you minimalistic looks.
You can download Arrogin from here.
Numix is one of the best icons and theme set for the Linux desktop environment. It was created in 2013-14 and still doesn’t disappoint to get a polished experience out of the box.
We will guide you on how you can download both icon packs and the Gtk theme for your cinnamon desktop.
Credits: Noobs Lab
Follow given commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:numix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme-circle numix-icon-theme-square
This is yet another modern-looking theme that was mainly built for the Solus project. There is no need to worry because it is compatible with Linux mint desktop too and has elements enough to please your eyes.
Follow given commands:
git clone https://github.com/solus-project/evopop-gtk-theme.git
cd ~/evopop-gtk-theme/
sudo chmod +x install-gtk-theme.sh
sudo chmod +x install-gtk-azure-theme.sh
sudo ./install-gtk-theme.sh
Adapta not just looks good but also accelerates work on a desktop. Adapta provides you pleasant experience by giving you the most complete theme and also has a true dark mode for dark enthusiasts.
Adapta also follows material guidelines.
Image credits: Linux
Follow the given commands:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:tista/adapta -y
sudo apt update
sudo apt install adapta-gtk-theme
Canta is compatible with almost every Desktop environment which also includes our cinnamon desktop. It gives flat and material design to get aesthetic looks.
Credits: Linux Tex
Follow given commands:
sudo apt install git gtk2-engines-murrine gtk-engines-pixbuf
git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/Canta-theme.git
cd ~/Canta-theme/
sudo chmod +x install.sh
sudo ./install.sh
Stylish fulfills its meaning by getting you a stylish material experience. It supports GTK 2 and GTK 3 based desktop environment that also includes cinnamon desktop of Linux mint.
It gets you clean and distinct elements with sensible sizing and padding.
Follow given commands:
sudo apt install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf libxml2-utils
git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/stylish-gtk-theme.git
cd ~/stylish-gtk-theme/
sudo chmod +x Install
sudo ./Install
You can update this theme by using:
Abrus is a stylish theme for GTK 3 and GTK 2 and blends perfectly with a cinnamon desktop of Linux mint. This Theme is based on Arc gtk theme and never disappoints its users with its aesthetic looks.
Follow the given commands:
sudo apt install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf
sudo apt install libxml2-utils
git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/Abrus-gtk-theme.git
cd ~/Abrus-gtk-theme
sudo chmod +x Install
sudo ./Install
Love Pop_OS but want to stick with Linux mint for its simplicity? The pop theme is just for you. It resembles Pop_OS to get you similar vibes on your Linux mint so that you can enjoy the robustness of Linux mint with the modern looks of Pop_OS
Credits: Addictive Tips
Follow the given commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:system76/pop
sudo apt update
sudo apt install pop-gtk-theme
CBlack is built for those who love dark themes more than anything else. As per our research, CBlack gives the best sync with other applications when we consider customizing Linux mint for a complete dark experience.
Follow the given steps:
Download Zip file from Github.
Copy extracted folder to /home/$USER/.themes ($USER = your local user’s name)
Love Mac OS looks but wants to run Linux under the hood? We got you covered with the McOS theme which resembles Mac OS while running Linux inside. There are two variants of McOS light and dark. You can choose what suits you the best.
Download McOS
Copy extracted folder to /home/$USER/.themes ($USER = your local user’s name)
Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue is completely different from the above list and gives you a completely new desktop experience compared to your traditional one.
Download Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue
Copy extracted folder to /home/$USER/.themes ($USER = your local user’s name)
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“Linux is about choice” and it is definitely true because you can make it as you like. Each theme has a purpose to satisfy its user by fulfilling their demands on how their desktop should look like.
Everyone has different tastes and so we came up with different theming options for you. You can try some of the given Linux Mint themes and also make some tweaks on your end too.