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How to Install iTunes on Ubuntu 22.04

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iTunes is proprietary media management software developed by Apple. iTunes lets you manage, sync, download, and stream media across the synced devices. iTunes is only available on Windows and Mac OS platforms.

If you are using Apple products such as iPhone, iPad, and others, the only way you can manage your media is by using iTunes. There are no alternatives to that. 

We do have a direct option to install Apple Music on Ubuntu and other Linux distributions by using Snap but there are some steps required to install iTunes.

So what if you are a Linux user and want to use iTunes, there will be some effort required to install iTunes on Ubuntu but will be worth each step you perform. As iTunes is available for Windows, we are going to use Windows compatibility layers with help of Wine.

Key Features of iTunes:

  • Organize your entertainment: iTunes avails you of the ease of use by which you can easily manage and play your favorite music and videos.
  • Unlimited enjoyment: With a paid subscription, you can play and download unlimited songs using Apple music.
  • More than music: You will find movies, TV shows, podcasts, audiobooks, and many more things on iTunes.

Installing and Configuring Wine on Ubuntu 22.04

To install iTunes on Ubuntu, we will have to install Wine which will provide us with Windows compatibility layers and help us to install Windows software in our Linux system.

Step 1: Adding Wine Repository 

A Linux repository is a storage location where our packages are stored. When we add a repository to our system, we can locate packages that we are required to install. As Wine is not available on the default repository of Ubuntu, let’s add the Wine repository by the following command:

 sudo apt-add-repository ‘deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ bionic main’ 

1. Wine Repository

Step 2: Adding GPG Keys for Wine

To identify whether we are downloading authentic software from the source, we are required to have something which authenticates installed software. GPG keys are used just for that. So let’s add GPG keys by which we will authenticate Wine by the following command:

 wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key 

2. Wine key 1

 sudo apt-key add winehq.key 

3. wine key 2

Step 3: Enabling 32-bit Architecture

If you are running a system with 64-bit architecture, you will be required to enable 32-bit architecture by the following command:

 sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386 

4. sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

Step 4: Updating System Repository and Downloading Upgrades 

After adding repository, keys, and enabling 32-bit architecture, we have to update our system by which we can make use of changes we previously made. Use the following command to update the repository and download updates (if any):

 sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y 

5. sudo apt update _ sudo apt upgrade -y


Step 5: Installing Wine in Ubuntu 22.04

After updating our repositories and adding keys to our system, now we are ready to install Wine in Ubuntu. There are 3 official branches of Wine:

  1. Stable: As its name suggests, you get the most stable packages
  2. Devel: It is a developer build that is still in the beta stage and contains packages that are not old as stable has.
  3. Staging: It contains the most recent versions with experimental patches. There is no guarantee that those will work as well as be stable and devel.

To download a stable branch of Wine, use the following command:

 sudo apt install winehq-stable 

6. sudo apt install winehq-stable

To download the devel branch of wine, use the following command:

 sudo apt install winehq-devel 

7. sudo apt install wine-devel

To download the staging branch of Wine, use the following command:

 sudo apt install winehq-staging 

8. sudo apt install winehq-staging

Installing iTunes in Ubuntu 22.04

After completing all the work on the Wine side, we are ready to install iTunes. Let’s start our process by downloading it.

Step 1: Downloading iTunes 

Go to the official site of Apple iTunes. You will see options to download iTunes 64-bit and 32-bit. Select your preferred option and it will download the iTunes setup file.

1. downloading from browser

Step 2: Installing iTunes

Open your file manager and go to Downloads. You will find the downloaded file there. 

2. locating file with right click to choose second option

Right-click on the downloaded file and select the 2nd option named “open with other application”. Choose Windows Program Loader Option and it will start Wine.

3. selecting wine

It will ask you for installing Wine Mono Installer. Click on the Install button.

4. install mono

Soon, you will see a welcome screen of iTunes. Click on the next button to move further in the installation process.

5. click on next

You can change the folder and have the privilege to choose another option. We are going with default options. Click on Install.

6. click on install

The installer will start installing and show you a similar output screen as below

7. showing installing

Once the installation is finished, click on finish to move further into the installation process

8. click on finish

Now, you will be given a Licence agreement prompt. Read those terms carefully and if you are ok with their conditions, click on accept.

9. agree licence agreement

You might get a similar prompt saying we lack a piece of software that is required to communicate with iPods and mobiles. Click on Yes.

10. auto repair

It will open iTunes. Now, you can use it as long as you can. 

11. final image

Now, let’s make a shortcut for opening iTunes on the Home screen. 

Go to your Home screen and you will see iTunes with a gear icon. Right-click on it and select Allow Launching option.

12. rightclick on itunes

It will change how the iTunes icon looked previously. From now on, you can launch iTunes from your Home screen.

13. final

Uninstalling iTunes and Wine

As we are using iTunes with Wine, you might not get a similar experience that you were used to getting on Windows and Mac OS as they were specifically designed for them. So if you want to remove iTunes, it can be easily done by following steps:

Step 1: Open Terminal

Open your Terminal by clicking on Activities situated at the top left corner. Type Terminal and hit Enter on the first result.

1. Opening Terminal

Step 2: Removing iTunes 

Once the terminal opens up, use the following command and it will open a window by which we can select and remove Windows programs:

 wine uninstaller 

2. wine uninstaller

Now, select the program that you wish to remove and click on remove. 

3. selecting programs and clicking on remove

It will start removing selected software.

4. showing itunes uninstalling

Step 3: Removing Wine (Optional)

If you no longer require Wine installed on your system, you can easily remove it by the following command:

If you just want to remove Wine without configuration files, use the following command:

For the stable branch of Wine:

 sudo apt remove wine-stable  

5. sudo apt remove wine-stable

For devel branch:

 sudo apt remove wine-devel 

6. sudo apt purge --auto-remove wine-stable

For staging branch:

 sudo apt remove wine-staging 

7. sudo apt remove wine-devel

Now, if you want to remove Wine including configuration files, data, and its dependencies, use the following commands:

For stable branch:

 sudo apt purge –auto-remove wine-stable 

8. sudo apt purge --auto-remove wine-devel

For devel branch:

 sudo apt purge –auto-remove wine-devel 

9. sudo apt remove wine-staging

For staging branch:

 sudo apt purge –auto-remove wine-staging 

10. sudo apt purge --auto-remove wine-staging

Frequently asked questions related to iTunes 

Is there a Linux version of iTunes?

No, there is no official version for iTunes. But you can install it using Wine or using any Windows Emulator.

Can you get iTunes on Ubuntu?

Yes, you can download and use iTunes on Ubuntu and any other Linux distribution but not officially. You will have to use any Emulator, Wine, or your favorite hypervisor.

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Final words:

You can easily install iTunes on Ubuntu by following this tutorial. We have tried to get you simplified for the installation and uninstallation process so that you can complete your task in some minutes.

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Sagar Sharma
Sagar Sharma

Sagar always uses Linux to its core and loves to write the technical side of system administration! While he's not writing for GeniusGeeks, you can find him writing for core linux blogs like IT'SFOSS.com and LinuxHandBook.com

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