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AnyDesk provides you powerful remote connectivity to your computer in a remote location by just using the internet. It is a remote desktop software for personal and professional use and the best alternative to TeamViewer.
AnyDesk provides cross-platform support which includes major platforms such as Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux. It can be a very handy tool while having meetings and you want to present something from your remote Desktop.
So, if you want to download and install AnyDesk on Ubuntu we have shared a detailed guide on it but before that let’s know what is remote desktop first.
Table of Contents
Remote Desktop software is a tool that provides you complete access to your complete which is not available in your physical surroundings but has internet connectivity.
If you are concerned about security, AnyDesk uses TLS1.2 technology which is also used to provide online banking solutions and is regarded as safe to use. To verify connections, it uses RSA 2048 for exchanging keys (verification code) on each side.
Remote Desktop Organizer: Organize Multiple Remote Desktop Connections Easily
Installing AnyDesk is quite easy and we will guide you through different methods including appropriate screenshots so that you can proceed as we guide you.
This method is for those who have just started using Ubuntu and are not comfortable using Terminal. You just sit down and relax because we will just use a browser and some clicks here and there to install AnyDesk on your Ubuntu Machine.
Go to the official download page of AnyDesk. Click on the first option which says Debian / Ubuntu / Mint (64 Bit). It will download the .deb file which we will use to install AnyDesk.
Open your File Manager and click on Downloads. You will find a Debian file. Click on it and hit Enter.
You will be shown a new window that includes all the details of AnyDesk with an Install button. Click on that Install button.
Enter your password
That’s it you have successfully installed AnyDesk without any complex procedure involved.
If you have a little experience with Linux, you would agree on how you can efficiently perform tasks using Terminal. In this 2nd method, we will be using Terminal for installing AnyDesk.
Open your Terminal using Ctrl + Alt + T. Use the following command to proceed further:
wget -qO - https://keys.anydesk.com/repos/DEB-GPG-KEY | sudo apt-key add -
This command will be a Key that ensures that any packages we will install are from an authentic and reliable source.
echo deb http://deb.anydesk.com/ all main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/anydesk-stable.list
This command will add a Repository by which we are going to download AnyDesk on our Ubuntu machine.
sudo apt update
This command will update indexes of all the Repositories that we currently have installed on our System including the Repositories that we have just added for AnyDesk.
sudo apt install anydesk
This command will install AnyDesk on our System.
That’s it. We have successfully installed AnyDesk on our System. You can open it from your App menu.
Keeping AnyDesk installed won’t break your System but if you are not satisfied with AnyDesk or running out of space, we will guide you on how you can easily remove AnyDesk from your System.
sudo apt remove anydesk
This will ask you for your password. Enter your password and you have successfully removed AnyDesk from your Ubuntu Machine
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/anydesk-stable.list
This command will help you to remove AnyDesk Repository from your Ubuntu Machine.
Yes, AnyDesk uses Military-grade TLS1.2 protocol to protect connections from unauthorized access. They also use 256-bit AES Transport Encryption, which makes it impossible to get into your data stream.
AnyDesk is free for personal use. Profession users get 14 Days of Trial period and then they are required to purchase a Licence to use it furthermore.
AnyDesk has made remote desktops easy to use and secure to rely on. If you are someone who has multiple systems for separate use cases and wants to use them in your workspace? AnyDesk is a perfect choice that allows you to Remotely control several Systems at once.
Just download AnyDesk on Ubuntu, and you are good to go!
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