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Why Every Developer Must Contribute to Open Source

Why Every Developer Must Contribute to Open Source

Dan Abramov, a well-known developer in the JavaScript community, got hired by Facebook after they noticed his impressive open-source contributions,…

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How to Make a File Executable in Linux

When you want to execute a script or an AppImage, the file must have executable permissions. While it should complex, it is not and requires a single command to make a file executable. The easiest…


This AI-Driven Bio-Processor Runs on Brain Cells!

Forget silicon chips—the future of AI might just involve a dash of dopamine and a sprinkle of human neurons. Swiss tech firm FinalSpark is breaking all the rules with their latest processor, which uses living…

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How to Save and Exit from Nano in Terminal

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Apple’s iRobot Leaked

Move over, Vision Pro. Apple is apparently cooking up another futuristic gadget, and this time it’s something straight out of a sci-fi movie—or a Pixar flick, depending on your mood. Say hello (well, not yet)…

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