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All You Need To Know About Facebook Timeline Cover & Its Dimensions

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Facebook timeline has changed the way how the businessmen perceived Facebook as a part of their business strategy. So far the businessmen were whatchamacallit to potential lies beneath the blue color that changed the user’s perspective of social networking sites. Facebook timeline cover is a great arsenal handed over by Facebook to the businessmen and normal users alike. But the million dollar questions are,

  1. How do you create a FB timeline cover, after all?
  2. What Facebook timeline cover dimensions are?
  3. What are the best practices to create a great timeline cover?

All such haunting questions have been answered along with some of the most amazing timeline covers for you to devour.

Update: We have provided resources to download Facebook timline covers here

fb timeline cover design

Before moving ahead let us shed some light on the evolution of this new great little marketing tool by social networking giant. Facebook rolled out timeline covers for Fan pages making it mandatory for every users back in March 2012. The addition of visual piece on your personal business page can greatly be used to convey your message, product or business ideas to your followers. More and more people are inveigled to understasnd this greatest offering by FB. However, there are certain things forbidden by Facebook to keep the users experience intact.

Don’ts of Facebook Timeline Cover

  • Users can not mention the price or offer on the product
  • Users are not allowed to attract clicks to their product/website/page etc
  • Contact information like website, email, mail and other addresses are not allowed
  • Call to action is not allowed
  • It must not infringe third parties intellectual property
  • No abusive/ vulgar/ adult covers are allowed
  • It should not directly or indirectly ask people to like/ share information
  • Advertisement and commercial content is frowned upon

Read more about this guidelines from here.

What are the dimensions of Facebook Timeline cover?

Following are the dimensions of Facebook timeline cover

  • Cover photo: 851 x 315 px
  • Picture: 180 x 180 px
  • App Image: 114 x 74 px
  • Images: 404 x 404 px
  • Highlight Images: 843 x 403 px

facebook timeline cover dimensions

facebook timeline cover design

Thus you can see that Facebook has implemented some of the non conventional sizes to its timeline covers. Make sure you follow the above dimensions to maintain the quality and professionalism of your profile page and fan page altogether. Providing a small picture would stretch it unnecessarily and you will loose the quality of picture. On the other hand oversized pictures will get squished. It may filter the most important part of the image to adjust it with the mentioned dimension.

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Remember to be creative with your timeline cover. It will not only give you good exposure but also grab more eyeballs. Don’t ignore this important part and try to spruce up your cover as much as you can. Users have control on what to show on timeline. If you’re a big brand and looking to sell more products through your page, then you should perhaps learn how to bend the rules to get the maximum out of your timeline cover.

There are many resources available which will let you design Facebook timeline according to mentioned dimensions here. We will be covering such resources in our upcoming post.

Ideas for a great timeline cover

  • Use brand logo
  • Depict what your business does
  • Depict your work
  • Creative design
  • Convey your message
  • Use uber-cool design with your brand name
  • Mention site name without revealing its URL

There are heaps of other things that could be applied to create a great cover. Share you Facebook timeline design here to show off your skills. It will also provide a platform to promote your brand indirectly. What’s are you waiting for, then?


Note down Facebook timeline cover dimensions before you plan out a strategy for your business or higher a designer to create Facebook timeline. Create a great cover photo mentioning your brand, products etc (851 x 315 px dimension) and then use profile picture area to enumerate who you are or what your business is all about. Let the world know how creative you are. Facebook timeline cover is definitely a best free way to promote your business, do not under estimate it.

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Ricky Shah
Ricky Shah

Ricky started GeniusGeeks in 2009 and there's no turning back since then! His flair of writing Windows OS related technical articles has been his hallmark! When not writing, he's often found exploring productivity and project management tools!

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