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How to Install Microsoft Teams on Ubuntu 20.04

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Microsoft Teams is proprietary software of Microsoft and is a part of the Microsoft 365 category. It has replaced Microsoft’s previous solutions for business meetings such as Skype for business and Microsoft Classroom.

In the era of the Pandemic, Microsoft Teams has gained popularity by providing one of the best experiences while doing work from home. In today’s tutorial, we will look at multiple methods by which you can install Microsoft Teams on the Ubuntu system.

Key Features of Microsoft Teams:

  1. Complete Integration with Office 365:
  2. Direct Access to email, Skype, OneDrive, and SharePoint
  3. Slash commands to increase productivity
  4. Video conferencing in High quality with multiple screen sharing

Installing Microsoft Teams on Ubuntu 20.04

We are going to discuss two different methods by which you can install Microsoft Teams on your Ubuntu system.

Method 1 – Installing Microsoft Teams using GUI

Go to the official site of Microsoft for downloading the Debian file. Click on Linux DEB (64-bit)

Downloading deb file

Open your file manager. Click on downloads, and you will find the .deb file, which we will use to install Microsoft Teams on our Ubuntu system.

Now, select Microsoft Teams Debian and hit Enter. You will be prompted to a different window for further process.

Found debian package in file manager

Click on Install. You will be asked to authenticate yourself by providing a password. You can enter your password, and the installation process will start.

Click on install

That’s it. You have successfully installed Microsoft Teams in your Ubuntu system.

Method 2 – Installing Microsoft Teams using Terminal

If you are a little familiar with Terminal, you can easily install Microsoft Teams by following the given commands:

sudo apt update


This will update the indexes of all our current repositories on our system. By using this command, we are ensured that we will get the latest and greatest software available to us.

Sudo apt upadte

wget –O teams.deb https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/ms-teams/pool/main/t/teams/teams_1.3.00.5153_amd64.deb


This command will download a Debian package for us.

Wget for terminal

sudo apt install ./teams_1.3.00.5153_amd64.deb


This command will install Microsoft Teams from the packages we installed previously.

sudo apt install

Method 3 – Installing Microsoft Teams using Flatpack

You can have access to thousands of software by using Flatpack. In Ubuntu, we are required to set up Flatpack before installing anything, So let’s set up our Ubuntu system for installing any software we want.

sudo apt update


It will update indexes in all the repositories that we currently have installed on our system.

Sudo apt upadte

sudo apt install flatpak


It will install a flatpack to our Ubuntu system. You will need to enter your password for you to continue on.

sudo apt install flatpak

sudo apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak


This command will add a plugin to our Ubuntu system.

sudo apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo


This command will add a Flatpack repository by which we will install software from Flathub.

flatpak repository

Reboot your system.

Rebooting is required to work Flatpack properly.

flatpak install flathub com.microsoft.Teams


This command will download and install Microsoft Teams to your Ubuntu system.

flatpak install flathub com.microsoft.Teams

Uninstalling Microsoft Teams from Ubuntu 20.04

You have to follow two methods based on which way you have to opt for installing Microsoft Teams.

If you went with one of the first two methods to install Microsoft Teams, you will have to follow the given commands to remove Microsoft Teams from your system. If you have followed the 3rd method for installation, skip the below command and refer to the next step.

sudo apt remove teams


sudo apt remove teams

If you have downloaded Microsoft Teams using Flatpack, you will have to use the given commands to remove Microsoft Teams.

flatpak uninstall com.microsoft.Teams


flatpack uninstall

That’s it. You have successfully removed Microsoft Teams from your Ubuntu system.

Frequently asked questions related to Microsoft Teams

Can you use Microsoft Teams on Linux?

Yes, you can install Microsoft Teams on almost every distribution because it provides both .deb and .rpm packages. If you are running Arch, it’s available in AUR (Arch User Repository) too.

How do I install Microsoft Teams on Linux Mint?

You will have to paste this code in your Terminal to install Microsoft Teams In Linux Mint: flatpak install flathub com.microsoft.Teams


Microsoft Teams is one of the best software you can get for working in collaboration with your team. It is bundled with Microsoft 365 which makes it the best office tool that you can ever get on the market now.

The good thing is Microsoft has pushed their support for Teams on Ubuntu and many other Linux too and made it easy for all the Linux users to have a pleasant experience.

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Sagar Sharma
Sagar Sharma

Sagar always uses Linux to its core and loves to write the technical side of system administration! While he's not writing for GeniusGeeks, you can find him writing for core linux blogs like IT'SFOSS.com and LinuxHandBook.com

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