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Top 10 Tools to Supercharge your Windows Experience

Top 10 Tools to Supercharge your Windows Experience

Jul 20, 2024

While Windows is a powerful operating system, it can be made even better with the right tools and apps. So…

Meta Changes AI Labels After Photographer Uproar

Meta Changes AI Labels After Photographer Uproar

Jul 2, 2024

Meta has rolled out an update to its “Made with AI” labels following an uproar from photographers who found their…

Something has knocked out a star that is hurtling through the galaxy

Something has knocked out a star that is hurtling through the galaxy

Jul 2, 2024

A lone hypervelocity star is crossing the Milky Way, and there is absolutely no way it will fly out of…


CocoaPods Vulnerability: When Regex Goes Rogue and Bash Scripts Bash Back

Jul 2, 2024

Our latest cautionary tale involves CocoaPods, the popular dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. This saga reveals a…

A Chinese company is developing a reusable missile, but its testing went very badly

A Chinese company is developing a reusable missile, but its testing went very badly

Jul 2, 2024

Last year’s test of Space Pioneers’ Tienlung-2 rocket went smoothly, but yesterday, the successor, the Tienlung-3, accidentally launched during its…

install Yarn in Ubuntu

How to Install Yarn in Ubuntu

Jun 30, 2024

Yarn is a fast, reliable, and secure JavaScript package manager. It is also a popular alternative to npm for managing…

Why should I use Arch Linux

Why Should I Use Arch Linux?

Jun 29, 2024

“I use arch btw”. You will find this quote used by multiple Arch Linux users who are so proud of…

increase performance in windows 10

How to Speed up Windows 10

After using Windows 10 on multiple devices, one thing that I can say for sure is it gets slow as time passes. You don’t see the snappiness you loved while setting up your Windows 10 computer for the first time. But the hardware and software are the same, so what’s wrong here? It may come as a shock but you…

linux more secure than windows

Why Linux is More Secure Than Windows

Linux and Windows are extreme opposites in terms of software availability and security. And if you are into tech, you’d be aware of the fact that Linux is more secure than Windows. If you choose Windows, you get millions of packages, the largest community of users and an overall easy-to-use operating system compared to Linux. But the question is should…

Will AI replace CEOs

Will AI Replace CEOs?

A recent survey by edX revealed that 49% of CEOs believed that “most” or “all” of their work should be replaced by artificial intelligence. That raises several questions if the CEO of a company can be replaced by AI, then how a normal employee is supposed to survive? CEO is considered to be the top position in any organisation which…

Best Linux distros for gaming

Best Linux Distro for Gaming

Gaming on Linux has improved a lot because of projects like WineHQ and ProtonDB. Sure, with enough skills, you can game on any Linux distro. But sometimes the tweaks are complex and you may not be able to achieve such fine-tuned output that is readily available in Linux distros built for gaming. But before I walk you through the best…

Best Linux distros for programming

Best Linux Distro for Programming

After using Linux for 5+ years, one thing that I can assure you is that you can do programming on any Linux distro. But when you are getting started, a strong platform that makes things easy for you is important. And in this tutorial, I will be sharing my top favourite Linux distros that will require the least steps to…


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