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How To Solve Bing Chat Error E010007, E010014, E010006

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Bing Chat is the fruit of a collaboration between Microsoft and OpenAI. In fact, the blues never really got a leg up on Google’s browser, not helped by the fact that Google has built an entire closed ecosystem on the internet.

In Q4 2022, Google’s revenue totaled $76 billion, of which $42.6 billion (or 56%) was from search ads. It’s understandable that Microsoft would want a bigger slice of the pie than it currently has, but it needed something really big to do it. So they invested a lot of money in OpenAI and integrated the world’s most advanced AI model into the browser for everyone to see. And so all eyes were on Bing (too).

And like any program, it has its flaws…

Common Bing Chat Errors

Error E010007: Connection Timeout

Error E010007 occurs when the Bing chat server takes too long to respond to a user’s request, leading to a connection timeout. This may cause the user to be unable to access the chat feature, negatively impacting their experience on your website.

There are several potential reasons for this error, including:

  • High server load, leading to slow response times.
  • Network issues between the user’s device and the Bing chat server.
  • Issues with the user’s internet connection, causing slow response times or dropped connections.

To resolve Error E010007, try the following:

  • Monitor your server’s performance to identify and address any potential bottlenecks.
  • Optimize your website’s code and infrastructure to improve server response times.
  • Implement a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to improve network connectivity between users and your server.
  • Encourage users to check their internet connections if they encounter this error.

Error E010014: Invalid Access Token

Error E010014 occurs when a user’s access token for the Bing chat service is invalid or expired. Access tokens are used to authenticate users and grant them permission to access the chat service.

This error may be caused by:

  • An expired access token, which needs to be refreshed.
  • A revoked access token, due to user account changes or security concerns.
  • A user attempting to access the chat service with an invalid or tampered access token.
  1. Solutions To resolve Error E010014, consider the following steps:
  • Implement proper token management to ensure tokens are refreshed before they expire.
  • Check for any account changes or security issues that may have led to a revoked token and address them accordingly.
  • Verify the integrity of the access token and ensure it has not been tampered with.

Error E010006: Service Unavailable

Error E010006 indicates that the Bing chat service is currently unavailable, preventing users from accessing the chat feature on your website.

There are several reasons why the Bing chat service might be unavailable, including:

  • Scheduled maintenance or updates.
  • Unexpected downtime due to technical issues or server crashes.
  • A temporary network issue or outage affecting the Bing chat service.

To address Error E010006, you can:

  • Keep an eye on Bing’s status updates and maintenance schedules to be aware of any planned downtime.
  • Implement fallback options, such as an alternative chat service or a message informing users of the temporary unavailability.
  • Monitor the situation and inform users when the service is restored.


  1. What is Bing Chat, and what are its main features?

Bing Chat is actually a custom ChatGPT integration that uses the GPT-4 model and is designed to help the user get to the information they are looking for faster. However, based on our experience, you should not believe everything it says 🙂

  1. What causes Error E010007 in Bing Chat?

Error E010007 occurs when the Bing chat server takes too long to respond to a user’s request, leading to a connection timeout.

  1. Why am I getting Error E010014 in Bing Chat?

Error E010014 occurs when a user’s access token for the Bing chat service is invalid or expired.

  1. What does Error E010006 mean in Bing Chat?

Error E010006 indicates that the Bing chat service is currently unavailable, preventing users from accessing the chat feature on your website.

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Gyula Virag
Gyula Virag

Gyula is a developer and a passionate geek father with a deep love of online marketing and technology. He always seeks challenging adventures and opportunities to create something permanent in the digital world.

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