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How to Password Protect a Folder in Windows 11 PC or Laptop

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Encrypting sensitive data is recommended while sharing a computer. Using Windows 11 settings, you may achieve your aim for simple files or directories. Users have recently expressed anxiety about their data privacy, which is fair as per the current time. But how can you protect your data from those who can access your computer?

In this article, we are going to share how you can protect your personal folder in Windows 11.

How to password protect a folder in Windows 11?

There are multiple options to enable password protection for the folder in Windows 11.

Method 1: Using Folder Properties

Step 1: First select the folder for which you want to enable password protection.

Step 2: Then right-click on it and select Properties.

Step 3: In the next window, find and click on the Advanced option.

Step 4: Find and check the box that says Encrypt contents to secure data.

check the box that says Encrypt contents to secure data

Step 5: Then click on the Ok > Apply button to save the settings.

When you encrypt a folder, Windows OS will ask you if you want to password protect a folder or not.

If your folder is password-protected, you will see the padlock symbol.

I think it’s safe to use dedicated software as a better way to keep your data safe. With encryption software or your operating system, it doesn’t matter how you hide your secret folders and files: You need a strong password to keep them safe.

Here are some tips:

  • Choose a password that has at least 10 characters, or else you’ll have to change it.
  • Use a combination of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters in your password.

Method 2: Hide a Folder in Windows 11 using CMD

If you don’t want to create a password for your important folder, then try to hide a folder. You can easily hide a folder in Windows 11 using the cmd tool. Here are the steps:

Step 1: First open the start menu using the Windows button on your keyboard.

Step 2: Then search for CMD or command prompt in the start menu.

Step 3: Then find run as administrator for command prompt in the right sidebar.


You can also open CMD with the run command tool. Just press Windows + R to open run and type cmd to open a command prompt.

Step 4: In the command prompt, type this command and press enter.

Type “attrib +s +h D:\test” (Replace “D:/test” with your folder location)

When you use this command, it will hide the selected folder.

If you want to unhide the folder again, then use this command.

To Unhide a folder gives ” attrib -s -h D: /test” (Replace D: /waftr  with your hidden folder path)

Once done, you can see your folder. If not, just restart your file explore.

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Final Words

If you want to keep your data safe from unauthorized access then you have to lock your folder. Using above mentioned methods, you can password protect your folder in Windows 11.

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Rahul Patel
Rahul Patel

Rahul is a blogger and a tech geek. By reviewing the latest technology and finding the solution of pesky errors, he feels immense pleasure. Driven by his innate interest in blogging, he adapted blogging as a full-time profession 4 years ago.

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