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Apple’s iRobot Leaked

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Move over, Vision Pro. Apple is apparently cooking up another futuristic gadget, and this time it’s something straight out of a sci-fi movie—or a Pixar flick, depending on your mood. Say hello (well, not yet) to Apple’s rumored household robot, tentatively dubbed the “iRobot” by the techie rumor mill.

We first caught wind of Apple’s domestic droid ambitions back in April, but details were scarce, leaving us all to speculate about what this robot might actually do. Fortunately, new leaks have rolled in, shedding some light on the device, and it’s shaping up to be… a bit of an overachiever.

Let’s get into the deets. According to the latest intel, this robot will feature a slim arm extending from a base unit that sits on the floor. And yes, Apple is keeping things iStylish with an iPad-like display perched on top of this arm. This screen can rotate 360 degrees, so the robot can lock eyes with you no matter where you are in the room. The display will also serve as a communication hub, showing a cutesy face that can nod and shake, making this robot feel less like Skynet and more like Wall-E’s distant cousin.

Leaked information suggests that Apple’s domestic robot will look something like this

But it’s not all about looks. This screen will do more than just stare at you; it’s reportedly equipped with touch capabilities for controlling the robot if you’re feeling too lazy to use voice commands. And since this is Apple, the robot will be running Siri, backed by Apple’s advanced AI, meaning it can understand and execute a wide range of commands—even those that involve a bit of sass.

Speaking of voice commands, Siri will get a significant upgrade, making it more responsive and conversational, so you can chit-chat with your bot while it carries out tasks around the house. The bot might even support FaceTime, turning it into the world’s most expensive, self-propelled iPad.

However, here’s where things get vague. It’s unclear whether this bot will have more appendages besides the mentioned arm or if it’ll do anything more than just roll around your house, pulling off tricks that make you wonder why you didn’t just stick with a regular old smart speaker.

Apple has reportedly put Kevin Lynch, their VP of Technology (and the mastermind behind the Apple Watch), in charge of this project. The timeline for its release? Rumored to be 2026 or 2027, which in tech years is practically forever.

And what about the price? Well, brace yourself for this one: it’s likely to be less than $1,000. Yeah, we know—”only” $1,000. But hey, considering the Vision Pro headset will burn a $3,500 hole in your pocket, this iRobot seems downright affordable by comparison.

So, while we wait for Apple to officially introduce us to their latest creation, we can all speculate wildly about how it’ll change our lives—or at least how it’ll spice up our Zoom calls. And who knows, maybe this robot will be the household helper we’ve all been dreaming of—or at least something fun to show off to your friends.

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Gyula Virag
Gyula Virag

Gyula is a developer and a passionate geek father with a deep love of online marketing and technology. He always seeks challenging adventures and opportunities to create something permanent in the digital world.

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